No Fear

No Fear

A project from Paul Burnley of No Remorse with Aussie Nigel from bands Broadsword, Retaliator and Ravens Wing.


Official Productions
1999 – Still Got The Power – Midgard Records – CD11 – Sweden – CD

Fetch the Rope (14. Victory day)

Track Lists

Still Got The Power
01. Pied Piper (3:10)
02. Flooding In (4:02)
03. The Masterplan (4:11)
04. Our Pride Is Our Loyalty (Skrewdriver) (2:05)
05. Victory Day (Rahowa) (3:52)
06. Mock Parades and Masquerades (4:21)
07. Shining Star (4:01)
08. Still Got the Power (3:46)
09. Patriotic Hero (4:34)
10. Never Bend to You (2:29)
11. The Truth Is You (7:22)

Track 01 Pied Piper is about the murderer Charlie Sargeant of Combat 18.